Banner is the student information system for Virginia State University.  Access Banner.

Virginia State University offers students Internet access to their campus email account. To find out more about VSU student email and how to access, click here.

Virginia State University offers faculty and staff Internet access to their campus email account. Find out more about VSU faculty and staff email and how to access it.

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a network technology that creates a secure network connection over a public network such as the Internet or a private network owned by a service provider. To gain access to the VPN you will need to fill out the User Access Form.

RSA token is used for two factor authentication. It generates a 6 digit number which is being used for authentication along with static pin / password. RSA tokens are available in various form factors like hardware tokens , software token and on demand tokens. an RSA Token is required for VPN access.  To gain access to the VPN you will need to fill out the User Access Form.

Click on link below to get instructions:

Complete this form to request Active Directory, Email, or Banner accounts.

Complete this form in order to request termination of your VSU Accounts:

Click here for instructions.

Virginia State University offers printing from remote locations and/or mobile devices to a VSU Xerox Multi-Functional Device (MFD) on campus.  Click here for more information. (See message attachment.)

If you see any problems on the website (Including wrong items, missing items, broken links, etc.), please send a full description of the problem, including the address of the page that you saw the problem on, and any additional information that needs to be added, in an email to: webmaster@vsu.edu

Trojan Link is your personal portal on the VSU Website. Through Trojan Link, you can review grades and coursework, manage student accounts and register for classes. Faculty can use Trojan Link to post syllabi and post grades.

You can find the information on how to change the home page for various web browsers below:

Internet Explorer

To set your homepage in Internet Explorer 6 or later on Microsoft Windows:

1. From the Tools menu, select Internet Options. The "Internet Options" dialog box appears.

2. On the "General" tab, in the "Home page" text box, type: http://www.vsu.edu/

3. Click Apply, and then OK.

Mozilla Firefox

To set your homepage in Mozilla Firefox 2 or later on Microsoft Windows or Mac OS X:

1. From the Tools menu select Options. The Options dialog box appears.

2. On the "Main" tab, in the "Home Page" text box, type: http://www.vsu.edu/

3. Click OK


To set your homepage in Safari 1 or later for Mac OS X or Microsoft Windows:

1. From the Safari menu select Preferences. The "Preferences" window appears.

2. O n the "General" tab, in the "Home page" text box, type: http://www.vsu.edu/

3. Click the red Close button.

There is not a "home button" on the new VSU design. To return to the home page from anywhere on the site, simply click on the VSU logo on the upper left portion of the page.

Click here for more information.

Click here for more information:

Click here for more information:

Click here for instructions:

How do I create audio conference call host and participant codes?

Click here for instructions:

Click here to download instructions (.ppt file, requires PowerPoint)

ServiceNow is the VSU approved ticket creation and management tool used by Information Technology Services.

You can either open a web browser (i.e. Internet Explorer or Firefox) and go to https://vsusnprod.service-now.com/sp

ServiceNow can be accessed when you are offsite or remotely whether your VSU computer is connected via VPN or not.

Call the VSU Servicedesk at 804-524-5210 Monday – Friday from 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM and ask if they can check to see if you are in the Faculty_Staff_VPN group.

If you do not have VPN access you will need to complete the Account Request Form.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click your ticket (IM) number under the ID section
  2. Click on Add Comment when your ticket (IM) opens
  3. Add Comment Title (i.e., Update Requested)
  4. Add Comment (i.e., A status update is requested.)
  5. Click Save

NOTE: Your comment will now be added to your open ticket. If your ticket is closed this will NOT reopen the ticket and the technician will not see this info.