Guide to Financing Your Education

Due to limited resources, student aid is often awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Many of these checklist items have deadline dates by which you will need to complete each item. Check off each action item as you complete it. You can get help for many of these action items from our Financial Aid Web site.  If you have questions, please contact us at (804)524-5990 or make a virtual appointment at

Guide to Financing Your Education

  1. Step 1
    Submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). In order to avoid long delays in processing, we recommend you submit your FAFSA by our priority deadline of March 31Our VSU school code is: 003764. 
  2. Step 2

    Apply for Scholarships!

    You should apply for as many types of scholarships as possible to assist with your educational cost.  Scholarships can be used to replace loans or further reduce your financial obligation to the University. Be sure to check for local scholarship opportunities in your high school's guidance office. Check with local fraternities, sororities, churches and civic organizations to see what's available. 

  3. Step 3
    Please respond and return all document requests as soon as possible.  Please note: all of our forms are available under Documents & Forms. 
  4. Step 4

    Review your Financial Aid Offer on Banner Self-service. 

    Please use these steps. In addition, you will receive a VSU Video via text message to the phone number you provided on your VSU Admissions Application and an email to personal email you provided on your VSU Admissions Application. 

    Please contact the Financial Aid Office with any questions about your offer at (804)524-5990 or

  5. Step 5
    Completing “Entrance Counseling” and “Master Promissory Note (MPN)” for the Federal Direct Student Loan(s).  The Federal Direct Loan is offered to all students.  However, in order for it to be credited to your account and reduce your financial obligation, all first-time borrowers must complete loan requirements online at
  6. Step 6
    If additional funding is needed, the parent may apply for a Parent PLUS Loan at . By completing this pre-approval application, it does not obligate the parent to accept the loan if approved.  If denied, the student is automatically awarded additional assistance ranging from $4,000 to $5,000 in an unsubsidized loan.
  7. Step 7
    Submit award or approval notices for any outside scholarships, grants, and loans received from sources other than Virginia State University by June 30 (fall semester) and November 30 (spring semester).  Notices submitted after these dates may not be applied before school starts. Download Non-University Award Notification Form
  8. Step 8
    Review the Billing Statement from the Student Accounts OfficeYou will receive a Billing Statement during Orientation and in early July that will list your charges and financial aid funds that are being used towards your cost of attendance.  If you have questions, please contact the Student Accounts Office at (804)524-5506 or 
  9. Step 9
    Notify the Financial Aid Office if you decide not to attend VSU. If you have decided not to attend VSU, please notify us by sending an email to