Activate Your VSU Student ID

Your VSU Student ID provides you access to all VSU Resources for Internet Access, Account Access,
and more.

To begin, you will need to know your V-number, username and email address:

What do I do if I cannot activate my account?

  • Contact the ITS Service Desk at 804-524-5210
  • Tell the service rep, that you cannot activate your user account. This will ensure that your ticket is sent to the correct group.
  • Provide the following information:
    • Your VNumber
    • A contact email address
    • A contact telephone number

What is my V-Number?

Your v-Number is your Student ID. This will have been sent to you by the University. It will always start
with V and be followed with 8 digits. e.g. V00123456.

What is my username?

Your User name will be:

  • The First Letter of your First Name
  • The First Three Letters of your Last Name
  • The Last Four digits of your V Number

For example, if your name is Virginia S. Trojan and your v Number is V00123456 then your username is

What is my email address?

Your email address is your username followed by

e.g. Virginia S. Trojan’s email address is:

Please note the trailing “s” on

Activate Your VSU Student ID

  1. Go to:
  2. Click on “Activate My Account”

  1. Enter your User Name


  • Virginia S. Trojan’s username is: vtro3456

  1. Enter your VSU Student Email address and V-number.


  • Virginia S. Trojan’s VSU email address is:
  • Virginia S. Trojan’s V-number is V00123456

  1. Set up security questions to help recover your account, should you forget your password. Simply answer three different questions.
  • Use the drop-down menu to select a question and provide a relevant and memorable answer.
  • Your answer must be at least 4 characters long
  • You must set up 3 security questions.
  • Your answers must be at least 4 characters
  • The system may take a little while to process your entry. DO NOT CLICK THE BACK BUTTON for steps 3, 4 and 5. Doing so may invalidate your answer and you will have to begin the entire process again.

  1. Choose a password to protect your account.
  • Your password must be at least 14 characters long and must contain:
    • 1 Number
    • 1 Special Character (!, $, #, %)
    • 1 Upper Case Letter
    • 1 Lower Case Letter.
  • Passwords that contain your first name, last name or username will be rejected.
  • It is recommended that you use a passphrase:
  • If you successfully meet the criteria, all check marks will turn green
  • Click “Change” to set your password

  1. The system will indicate when onboarding is completed.