First Year Experience

Start your year here!

We realize that high school and college life are worlds apart, and we want you to transition from one to the other with ease. Through the First Year Experience Program (FYEP), you'll learn how to successfully navigate VSU's campus community and culture. This program starts with a two-credit hour seminar during your first semester, and continues with events and other immersion activities.

Our mission is to facilitate your transition to the University through the provision of programs and services, as well as social and developmental resources and opportunities. Additionally, this program seeks to affect retention efforts by helping students to feel welcomed, to connect with their new environment, to understand expectations and to seek support.

For more information:

If you need additional information, take a moment to view the FYE brochure by clicking here.

FYE Library Resources

Let us help you find what you need!

Learn about the library and its resources through a virtual tour, see hours of operation, view the catalog and more.

If you have further questions, please feel free to contact:

Dr. Sandra N. Evans
First Year Experience Program Director
Trinkle Hall, Room 203
(804) 504-7004