What is C.A.R.E?

The Concern Assess Respond Evaluate (CARE) Team is a multi-disciplinary body of stakeholders from across the University which receives referrals pertaining to students of concern, collects additional information, and then identifies and enacts appropriate strategies for addressing the situation.

The CARE Team strives to:

  1. Provide early detection and recommend preventative and purposeful individualized intervention to students who may require additional support.
  2.  Link to appropriate resources and make referrals as deemed necessary
  3.  Provide consultation and support to faculty, staff, parents, and students in assisting students who display concerning behavior
  4. Follow up to determine if further intervention is needed, evaluate effectiveness of intervention strategies, and make further recommendations as warranted.

How to Make a C.A.R.E. Team Referral

Any member of the university community who has an appropriate concern for the well-being
of a student may refer the individual to the CARE Team by clicking the link below.
Care Team Referral

The CARE Team does not respond to emergent crisis. In the event of an emergency situation that requires immediate intervention, please contact the VSU Police 804-524-5411 or call 911.

If you have any questions regarding the form or have additional updates or concerns, please call 804-524-5939 or email careteam@vsu.edu.