Residence Hall Association

Mission Statement
The RHA is the student organization representing the students who reside in all on-campus housing facilities. The role of the RHA is to provide a forum for student leaders from each residence hall to come together and interact to make positive changes to the living and learning environment of Virginia State University students. Specifically, the RHA seeks to encourage the betterment of the academic, social, spiritual, and cultural atmosphere within the residence hall system, as well as to realize the opinions, needs, and desires of the individual student, and to constantly strive for the improvement of residence hall life.
The RHA of Virginia State University exist to:
- Provide programming for On-Campus residents of VSU.
- Assist the Department of Residence Life, The Office of Student Activities, and the Student Government Association with campus based programming efforts.
- Support intra-hall activities and further a sense of community within each Residence hall.
- Provide feedback regarding the residence hall system to the Department of Residence Life.
- Act on proposals that affect residence hall students and make recommendations to the Department of Residence Life, The Office of Student Activities, and the Student Government Association.
- Generate funds by engaging in appropriate fund-raising activities and administer the expenditure of these funds.