Housing Cancellation & Exemptions
Housing Cancellation
As stated under the Terms and Conditions in the Housing and Food Service Agreement and Residence Community Guide to Living, the VSU Housing contract is a one-year agreement. Requests for contract cancellation may be allowed (but are not guaranteed) for extenuating circumstances.
Housing Cancellation Form
Housing Exemptions
Students who have earned between 0-29 credit hours (Freshmen) are required to reside on-campus as mandated by the university. Please review the form in its entirety for qualifying exemptions and note that completed forms must be submitted to the Housing Office for consideration no later than July 21 for the Fall term and December 15 for the Spring term to avoid penalties. Exemptions will only be made for students who submit an exemption request by the posted deadline and can provide documentation verifying that they meet the requirements.
Housing Exemption Request Form