Facilities Reservation

Terms and Conditions

  1. The advisor of the registered student organizations and University Departments must submit this form via email at least two weeks in advance of the event to the Residence Coordinator (RC) of the requested residence hall. A staff listing of the RC’s can be found here: http://www.vsu.edu/reslife/staff/index.php.
  2. Only Residence Life and Housing staff and residents, registered student organizations, and University Departments may reserve the following residence halls space: Williams Hall Basement (capacity is 150), Branch Hall Basement (capacity is 130), Eggleston Hall Basement (capacity is 75), Seward Hall Basement (capacity is 75), Langston Hall Meeting Room (capacity is 50), Langston Hall Multipurpose Room B-8 (capacity is 50), Quad I Multipurpose Room A Room 177 (capacity is 50), Quad II Multipurpose Room 1207 (capacity is 50) Moore Hall Classroom Room 344 (capacity is 50) and Gateway Classroom Room 1109 (capacity is 50).
  3. Non-Residence Life and Housing groups or organizations/university departments are not permitted to reserve space during hall openings, closings, Residence Life Week or during mid-term and final exam periods.
  4. Requests will be denied if space is not available. The Department of Residence Life and Housing staff, Hall Council and the Residence Hall Association (RHA) have priority in reserving space for programs targeted to residents of the residence hall. Reservations will be confirmed through the RC of the requested residence hall.
  5. Kitchen facilities will not be available to students or organizations/departments outside the Department of Residence Life and Housing.
  6. Electrical power cords or other items may not be run to obstruct hallways. Exterior doors cannot be propped open. No cords may be run from outside the residence hall to an interior outlet by non-Housing organizations.
  7. The group/person responsible for reserving the space should be aware of accessible restrooms for participants.
  8. Noise must be kept to a minimum at all times. The reserving group will be asked to leave if the activity/event is hindering the residents of the residence hall from enjoying a conducive living learning environment.
  9. The advisor of the organization must be present from the start of the reservation time until the end of the reservation time for the event/activity. The advisor must also ensure the reserving group clean up and discard all trash in the dumpster and place all furniture back in its original place.
  10. The advisor must ensure each member of the organization sign in and leave their student ID at the front desk of the residence hall and sign out at the front desk and pick up their student ID when leaving the residence hall.
  11. All reserving groups are responsible for following the rules and regulations in the Student Handbook and the Residence Life and Housing Community Living Guide Handbook. Any reserving groups violating the policies and procedures in the Student Handbook and the Residence Life and Housing Community Living Guide Handbook will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and will not be allowed to reserve space in the residence halls.
  12. Non-Residence Life and Housing groups or organizations/university departments may only request to reserve space in the residence between the hours of 4:00pm – 9:00pm Monday – Saturday.

RLH Facilities Reservation Form 

All questions should be directed to:
Department of Residence Life & Housing
Quad II - 1107
Phone: (804) 524-1239/ (804) 524-6840