Fellowship Positions

The University awards four faculty and one staff fellow positions. They are as follows; 

  • Teaching Faculty Fellow
  • Leadership Faculty Fellow
  • Instructional Technology Faculty Fellow
  • Institutional Research (IR) Faculty Fellow
  • Professional Development and Career Support Staff Fellow

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University Teaching Faculty Fellow

The University Teaching Fellow is designed to contribute significantly to the intellectual life of VSU through exceptional teaching effectiveness. The primary goals of the Teaching Fellow are to:

  1. Support faculty in the design, implementation, and assessment of scholarly projects, practices, and curricula that create successful learning environments.
  2. Build collaborative relationships with colleagues and scholars from diverse fields and with varied areas of expertise as a foundation for an interdisciplinary inquiry into teaching and learning.
  3. Assess and report on progress made in teaching and learning through implemented teaching program initiatives.

University Leadership Faculty Fellow

The University Leadership Fellow will create initiatives that will encourage faculty to develop leadership skills, to clarify their career commitments, to build leadership networks within the campus, and to extend their contacts to other leaders beyond the University. The primary goals of the Leadership Fellow are to:

  1. Support the design, implementation, and assessment of interdisciplinary leadership projects or initiatives that create an inspirational learning environment for faculty.
  2. Provide faculty support for career planning processes at all stages and assist faculty in exploring university and community leadership opportunities.
  3. Build collaborative relationships with colleagues and scholars from diverse fields and with varied areas of expertise as a foundation for an interdisciplinary inquiry into leadership.
  4. Assist in the New and Adjunct Faculty Orientation, Faculty Mentoring Program, and Faculty Career Support (i.e., junior faculty, mid-career faculty, legacy faculty).
  5. Assess and report on progress made in Teaching and Learning through implemented leadership program initiatives.

University Instructional Technology Faculty Fellow

The Instructional Technology Faculty Fellow will work with the Office of Distance Education personnel, VSU Technology Services, the AFE and representatives from the Faculty Senate Technology Committee to advance the use of technology. The primary goals of the Instructional Technology Faculty Fellow are to:

  1. Support faculty in the advancement or improvement of the use of technology in teaching and research activities.
  2. Build collaborative relationships with colleagues and scholars to assist faculty members in using various innovative instructional technology tools, software, and equipment to improve faculty classroom effectiveness.
  3. Assess and report on progress made in teaching and learning through implemented instructional technology program initiatives.

University Institutional Research (IR) Faculty Fellow

The IR Faculty Fellow will support the Mission of the Office of Planning and Instructional Effectiveness (OPIE). Working directly with the Executive Director of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness, the primary goals of the IR Faculty Fellow are to:

  1. Coordinate and assist in conducting surveys and research projects related to program development, modification, and expansion (i.e., State Council of Higher Education for Virginia Approval Process) and student retention and progression.
  2. Design and conduct assessments and evaluations of activities associated with the outcomes of institutional goals and objectives and participate in reviews of academic and educational support programs and services.
  3. Coordinate and collaborate with departments in preparation for SACSCOC and other program accrediting processes.

University Professional Development (PD) and Career Support Staff Fellow

The University PD and Career Support Staff Fellow will work directly with the Directors of Organizational Development and Faculty Development to develop and implement a wide array of professional development and career progression opportunities for staff. The primary goals of the Staff Fellow are to:

  1. Conduct a Staff Development Needs Assessment Survey.
  2. Use the survey results to design a staff professional development series each year and design evaluation instruments to measure the series effectiveness.
  3. Identify career progression opportunities and provide assistance to staff in developing their professional portfolios.
  4. Serve as a liaison between the Staff Senate and the Academy of Faculty Enrichment.