The AFE welcomes all applicants with a strong commitment to excellence in teaching and learning, leadership, mentoring, and service. Applicants with extensive knowledge of strategies to enhance instructional technology in and outside of the classroom, strategies for best practices for student retention and progression, and strategies for the seamless onboarding of new and adjunct faculty and staff are also encouraged to apply.
Fellowship appointments will be for one academic year and are renewable for up to two years; however, fellows will be required to reapply annually. Faculty fellows must be tenured or tenured track faculty members. A staff fellow must be classified and have worked at VSU for at least one year. Candidates for faculty and staff fellows will be selected based on their application materials. Selected faculty and staff fellows will be notified by the end of the spring semester and will begin their fellowships in August. Faculty can only apply to one of the four fellowship positions.
Faculty and Staff Fellows Benefits
Faculty Fellows will receive a $2,500.00 stipend. All fellows should anticipate spending at least 10-15 hours per month on their projects. The AFE will also provide material and human resources to support project initiatives. Additionally, the Academy of Faculty Enrichment University Fellows will develop and implement their projects in year-long learning communities with mentors to support their work. Fellows will be required to attend a two-day paid summer retreat on May 6-7, 2025. Other benefits include:
- Participating in monthly fellows learning community meetings with the Director of Faculty Development.
- Completing book or article readings, reflections, or any preparatory work for each monthly meeting.
- Designing workplans and budgets for their planned activities.
- Participating in at least 3 professional development activities per semester.
- Launching their innovative programs in the Fall of each academic year.
- Designing and implementing evaluation rubrics in Qualtrics for their professional development activities.
- Identifying and selecting guest speakers/consultants with unique teaching, research, service, and mentoring of HBCU students.
- Receiving a $500 stipend for participating in the required Fellows Summer Retreat.
- Receiving additional funding to purchase materials, to attend conferences/institutes, to create products, and to cover any other reasonable expenses.