Submitting Course Materials
General Education Assessment Submission Requirements
All faculty who teach a General Education course must submit student assignments for institutional-level assessment. Please submit to the appropriate link below only if you are teaching a course that is aligned with a general education competency being measured within the current academic year.
Faculty should submit student assignments from the fall semester of the current academic year.
Fall Semester Courses Submission Deadline: February 10, 2025 |
In preparation for submission, please have the following documents and information ready to upload:
- Course Information and Syllabus
- Name the file: Course Prefix and Number_Section_Syllabus (Example: HIST114_01_Syllabus)
- Alignment Design (ILSLO, and Assessment Tool with description)
- Briefly explain how the assignment measures the ILSLO(s) assessed in your course
- Upload a copy of the summative assessment tool.
- Name the file: Course _Section_Assessment Tool (Example: HIST114_01_Assessment Tool)
- A clean, ungraded copy of the student's work
- Upload each student's work as an individual file
- How do I submit students' work that is on paper? Please scan the paper and turn it into a PDF.
- Name the file: Course_Section_Student’s V number (HIST114_01_V00123456)
- Group work will not be accepted; please submit individual work completed by the student.
- If one professor teaches multiple sections of the same course, please submit the same assessment tool for each section. The form will allow you to indicate that you are teaching multiple sections of the same course.
Note: If your course is aligned to:
- One Institution-Level Competency (ex. Critical thinking) and two or more associated learning outcomes (ILSLO 1 & ILSLO 3).
- If the assessment tool aligns with each ILSLOs, faculty should complete one submission.
- If the faculty had developed separate assessment tools for each ILSLO, the faculty should complete one submission for each ILSLO.
- Two Institution-Level Competencies (ex. Critical Thinking and Written Communication) and one associated learning outcome
- If the assessment tool is aligned with both institution-level competencies, the faculty is required to submit for each competency.
Submission Portal: The Submission Portal is currently closed and will reopen November 1, 2024