Assessment Day

Wednesday, February 12, 2025 


Assessment is an integral part of the educational process, and it should be used to improve student learning and enhance our academic programs.  The annual Assessment Day is used to collect data on four General Education student learning outcomes.  The outcomes evaluated are written communication, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and civic engagement. All tests are administered via Canvas. All students are assigned to a class based on their classification. 

The results generated on Assessment Day are used to ensure the quality of education for all students at VSU.  The assessments and outcomes are aligned with the State Council of Higher Education (SCHEV) “Policy on Student Learning Assessment and Quality in Undergraduate Education”. These results will assist us in identifying strengths and opportunities for growth in our General Education curriculum.  Additionally, a summary of the results will be used to generate a publicly available document that addresses the quality of our students’ educational experience at VSU as a requirement of the SCHEV Assessment Policy.

Download the Schedule

Get Ready to Unlock Your Path to Success!

Michelle Y. Mosely, Ph.D.

Michelle Y. Mosely, Ph.D.
Director of General Education

Michelle Y. Mosely, Ph.D.

Michelle Y. Mosely, Ph.D.
Director of General Education

Get Ready to Unlock Your Path to Success!

Join us as we measure progress, celebrate growth, and empower every student’s journey toward achievement.


General Education Learning Outcomes


Course Name

Assessment Instrument

Student Participants

Quantitative Reasoning


ASMT 125-01

VSU Mathematical Competency-Based Exam


Written Communication

ASMT 225-01

VSU Argumentative Essay


Civic Engagement

ASMT 325-01

Territorium HEIghten Civic Competency & Engagement


Critical Thinking

ASMT 425-01

Territorium HEIghten Critical Thinking



General Information

  • All undergraduate students are required to participate.
  • All VSU undergraduate classes are canceled 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (classes resume at 5:00 PM).
  • All exams are administered via Canvas (online).
  • Testing opens at 12:00 AM and closes at 11:59 PM on Wednesday, February 12, 2025.
  • Use a laptop or desktop computer to complete the assessment.
  • All VSU open-access computer labs within academic buildings and the Johnston Memorial Library will be available. 
  • Select a quiet spot to take your assessment where you will be comfortable with no interruptions.
  • Assessment completion times will vary. Please answer all questions and put forth your best effort.  

Open Access Student Computer Stations and Labs


Hours of Operations

Johnston Memorial Library, First and Second Floors

8:00 AM – 1:00 AM, Monday through Thursday

Singleton Hall, Room 230

8:00 AM – 7:30 PM, Monday through Friday

Hunter McDaniel, Room 22E

8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday

Engineering Building, Room 102

8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday


If you are an undergraduate student enrolled in Spring 2025, you are expected to participate in Assessment Day. If there is an emergency or an extenuating circumstance that prevents you from participating, please send an email to

Yes. All students are given one assessment.  Occasionally, the assessment is the same, and sometimes it is different.  If you have the same assessment as last year, we will examine your growth or improvement in that particular subject matter.

If any student requires academic accommodations, please contact the Student Accessibility Office at 804-524-5061 or visit Memorial Hall, room 107 or 110, to coordinate your reasonable accommodations. If you have not already done so, you must establish your eligibility to request services at Please make the appropriate arrangements in advance, preferably by January 31.

The exam will address one of the following: Written Communication, Quantitative Reasoning, Critical Thinking, or Civic Engagement. You will receive an email or announcement at least 24 hours prior to the exam, which will let you know which exam you will be taking.

All the tests will be given electronically. The assessments for civic engagement and critical thinking are created by Territorium, which is a profitable and private company with over 12 million users worldwide. The professors at VSU designed the assessments for quantitative reasoning and written communication.

There is no need to study for Assessment Day. It is essential to try your best and demonstrate your capabilities. Please answer all questions and put forth your best effort.

There will be a window of time to take the exam. Make sure you have a dependable internet connection and are away from distractions.

No, students are not required to retake the test based on performance. It is not expected that everyone has mastered all the material on the exam.  We expect that a senior may have mastered different skills than a freshman.  We also realize that a STEM major may perform better on a quantitative exam than a non-STEM major.  However, the exams are designed to allow VSU to make informed decisions to enhance the curriculum, improve the overall learning experience, and achieve our institution's goals.

All undergraduate students participate because we need to know that VSU is providing our students with a quality education.  It is almost like the “institutional report card”.

We are also following the guidelines established by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV).  To learn more, view here.

Assessment results are used to inform program changes and improvements. It will help us gather relevant information about student performance and progress.

Additionally, the results of the institution (not individuals) will be made public on VSU’s website, which is a requirement by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV).

Join Your Fellow Trojans on Assessment Day!

Trojans from across the campus encourage you to participate on assessment day and explain why participation is essential and beneficial.

Join Your Fellow Trojans on Assessment Day!

For more information on Assessment Day Contact:

The Office of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness


8:00 AM-5:00 PM (EST) Monday-Friday.