Faculty Development

Virginia State University considers faculty to be one of greatest resources of the institution.

The knowledge, commitment, and effectiveness of faculty is directly correlated with student success and the vitality of the institution. Virginia State University is committed to supporting the faculty through the Academy of Faculty Enrichment.  This comprehensive faculty development center is designed to promote professional learning opportunities in a supportive, thought-provoking, and collaborative environment.

Our Mission

The Academy of Faculty Enrichment develops, nurtures, and sustains a collaborative community to empower faculty at all stages of their career to thrive in teaching, scholarship, and service.

Our Vision

Our vision is to contribute to the University’s mission by supporting faculty excellence and creating an environment that allows faculty to excel as educators, scholars and mentors.

In strategic conjunction with the Office of the Provost and other units at Virginia State University, the Faculty Development Center will collaboratively sponsor the following programs:

  • New Faculty Orientation
  • Adjunct Faculty Orientation
  • Faculty Workshops
  • Faculty Seminars   
  • Faculty Travel Awards
  • Faculty Learning Communities
  • Faculty Recognitions
Academy of Faculty Enrichment Steering Committee

Academy of Faculty Enrichment Steering Committee

In strategic conjunction with the Office of the Provost and other units at Virginia State University Click Here



In strategic conjunction with the Office of the Provost and other units at Virginia State University, the Faculty Development Center will collaboratively provided opportunites.  Learn More