
Instructions for Course Registration using BANNER Self-Service
The first step is SEE YOUR ACADEMIC ADVISOR. It is recommended that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0, Netscape 5.0 or higher. Log onto Banner, then, follow the instructions listed below:
- Using the VSU home page; select Trojan Link; select Banner; select Login to Self-Service for Students.
- Login using your User ID and six-digit PIN (Personal Number).
- From the Main Menu, select the Student tab.
- From the Student tab, select the Registration menu. NOTE: If you already have your CRNs, follow steps 5-8 or if you need to search for a class follow steps 9-12. If you already have your CRNs:
- From the Registration menu, select the Select Term menu (Ex. Fall 2016), click Submit.
- Select Add or Drop Classes.
- Enter your Alternate Pin (which must obtained from your adviser).
- Enter your CRNs and select Submit Changes. If you need to search for a Class:
- Select Look Up Classes.
- Select the Select Term menu, click Submit.
- Upon selecting your desired course, Click Register or Add to Worksheet.
- Enter your Alternate Pin (which must be obtained from your adviser).
***The screen will display your confirmed registration, as well as any errors that prevented you from getting into a section. Adjust your schedule as necessary or consult with your adviser. ***
Any problems concerning BANNER Self-Service, please contact the student help desk at (804) 524-2000.