Online Student Success Center

Students, your academic success is an essential part of your experience as a VSU Trojan. Preparation, participation, and engagement in your online courses are the keys to your success. View the information below to ensure that you are successful.  

VSU uses the Blackboard learning management system to deliver online courses. Your instructor will use Blackboard for each class to provide instruction, class information, and content.  

If you are not familiar with how to access Blackboard, check the link below to see steps you must take to access your online courses:  

Logging into VSU's Blackboard Learning Management System

VSU Online Course Delivery Methods

Now that you know how to obtain your VSU account, take a look at how to PREPARE, PARTICIPATE, ENGAGE, and use STUDENT RESOURCES.  Select each section below to learn more information to help you succeed in your online classes

Ensure you can log into your online courses and how to get help. 

  • Know your Active Directory user name and password used for access to VSU systems  
  • Enroll in the Self-Service Reset Password Management program (SSRPM), which will give you the ability to reset your VSU Network password. Go to and select Enroll into SSRPM.  
  • Bookmark VSU's Learning Management System:  Blackboard 
  • Check functionality of devices used to access remote instruction (ex. Do they work? Do they support the software/programs needed to connect to Blackboard?) 

Note:  The use of mobile devices to participate in your online courses is not recommended.  

  • Ensure access to reliable internet connectivity at home/ out of home locations (ex. local public library, Panera Bread, McDonald's, family/friends, etc.) 
    Internet Service Providers (ISP) offers in response to the Coronavirus pandemic 
  • Download and install Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor, if required in your course.  See the Blackboard Home page for helpful resources and the download link.  
  • Contact the VSU Student Technology Help Desk if needed:
  • Contact the TROJAN SOS group to help you locate points of contact and support as you navigate your courses and online instruction.  If you need assistance, do not hesitate to contact TROJANSOS@VSU.EDU 

Ensure that you actively participate and state up to date in your online courses 

  • CheckDAILY for emails from your professor / from Blackboard courses. 
  • Check Junk Mail folders /Clutter folders DAILY for misdirected emails. 
  • Review each professor's Blackboard site for instructions. 
  • Keep course materials handy (ex. textbooks, study guides, and other course materials you were using before the transition to remote instruction) 
  • Practice with any apps your professor requires for participating in online activities (ex. instructional videos, Zoom Meetings, YOUTUBE videos, Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor, etc.) 
  • Be Self-disciplined -  Take responsibility for completing tasks/posting assignments on time. 

  • Be organized – Map out time to be online.  Make a calendar of assignment due dates. 
    Be present!!  (Log in frequently – Attendance still counts!!!) 
    Ask questions and engage your professors – Remember that this is YOUR educational experience.  Be an ACTIVE learner. 
  • Schedule an online tutor if needed. VSU provides Smarthinking Online TutoringAccess online tutoring in your online course by clicking Tools or from the Blackboard Home page.  Watch the video below to learn more about Smarthinking:  Introduction to Smarthinking.