Academic and Student Affairs |
Personnel, Compensation & Governance |
Dr. Leonard Haynes, III, Chair Mr. Thomas Cosgrove(Vice Chair) Mr. Peter McPherson Dr. Robert Denton, Jr. Ms. Daphne Meeks Mr. Edward Owens General (Ret). Dennis L. Via Dr. Valerie Brown, Rector (ex-officio)
Dr. Tracy L. Jackson (Faculty Representative) * Mr. Yousif N. Omer (SGA Representative) *
Mr. Victor Branch (Chair) Mr. Jon Moore (Vice Chair) Dr. Joseph Chase Dr. Harold Green, Jr. Ms. Verndell Robinson Dr. Valerie Brown, Rector (ex-officio)
Facilities & Finance |
Institutional Advancement |
Ms. Daphne Meeks (Chair) Vice Chair (Vacant due to term expiration) Mr. Thomas Cosgrove Mr. Peter McPherson Mr. Kishore Thota General (Ret.) Dennis Via Dr. Valerie Brown, Rector (ex-officio)
Mr. Edward Owens (Chair) Mr. Victor Branch (Vice Chair) Dr. Robert Denton, Jr. Ms. Verndell Robinson Mr. Robert Thompson Mr. Kishore Thota Dr. Valerie K. Brown, Rector (ex-officio) Ms. Brenda Stith-Finch, (Chair, VSU Foundation)*
Audit & Compliance |
Executive Committee |
Mr. Jon Moore, Chair Ms. Daphne Meeks (Vice Chair) Dr. Joseph Chase Mr. Robert Thompson Dr. Harold Green, Jr. Dr. Leonard Haynes, III Dr. Valerie Brown, Rector (ex-officio)
Dr. Valerie Brown, Rector Mr. Victor Branch, Vice Rector & Chair Mr. Kishore Thota, Secretary Dr. Leonard Haynes III, Chair Mr. Edward Owens, Chair Ms. Daphne Meeks, Chair Mr. Jon Moore, Chair
VSU Foundation Liaison |
VSU Real Estate Foundation Liaison |
Dr. Joseph Chase
Dr. Joseph Chase