Trojan Center for Undergraduate Applied Research (TCUAR)
The Purpose of the T-CUAR is to help Virginia State University students to pursue research opportunities on and off campus. Off campus research will be at research intensive institutions, national and international research laboratories, and private research facilities.
T-CUAR provides supports for the Washington Baltimore Hampton Roads - Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (WBHR-LSAMP) Program, Dwight Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship, and HBCU UP Projects as well as any future funded research projects.
T-CUAR also will assist faculty in establishing initial contacts with local school system, local industries, update and maintaining a list of the students for internal and external internships, keeping track of students’ progress in various funded projects, schedule meetings with students, and sponsoring workshops, seminars and conference. The OUR has an advisory board that consists of representative from industry, public school system, government agency, and VSU administration and faculty.