- The Staff Senate Chair shall:
- Preside at all regular and special meetings,
- Enforce all regulations and policies,
- Preside over the Executive Committee,
- Prepare the organizational chart of the Staff Senate,
- Submit the budget to the Staff Senate at the July regular meeting for approval each year,
- Call special meetings,
- Prepare an agenda for the Staff Senate Secretary to distribute to the Staff Senators and non-voting members of the Staff Senate seven days prior to the next regular meeting,
- Authorize disbursement of funds,
- Designate chairs of the standing committees as appropriate,
- The Staff Senate Vice Chair shall:
- Preside in the absence of the Staff Senate Chair,
- Serve as the principal assistant to the Staff Senate Chair,
- Serve as Chair of the Commission on Staff Policy and Affairs of the University Council,
- Coordinate legislative activity,
- Fulfill any term vacated by the Staff Senate Chair, and
- Perform other such duties as associated with this office.
- The Secretary:
- Conduct a roll call, record attendance and advise the Staff Senate Chair if a quorum is present at the beginning of each meeting,
- Prepare minutes of all Staff Senate meetings and maintain them as permanent records,
- Distribute copies of the minutes to each member within ten days after meetings. The use of electronic mail is encouraged whenever possible,
- Distribute copies of agenda and information packages to each member within seven days prior to the next regular meeting. The use of electronic mail is encouraged whenever possible,
- Maintain all records of the Staff Senate including
- Fiscal records,
- Mailing lists (electronic and campus),
- List of senators serving on the Staff Senate including term of office,
- List of senators serving on the University Council, Commissions, Advisory Councils and Committees with term of office, and
- List of staff associations and association officers.
- The Treasurer
- Primarily responsible for the Staff Senate’s fiscal affairs.
- Prepares a monthly financial statement and reports to the Staff Senate at each of the regular meetings.
- Assists the President in preparing the budget and submitting it to the Staff Senate and the President of the University, for approval, if needed.
- Disburses monies from Staff Senate funds at the request of the Executive Committee. The President of the Staff Senate must approve all disbursements of money (in writing); however, only the Treasurer’s signature is needed to actually disburse money.
- Monitors disbursements of scholarship funds and follows up with Student Financial Aid to make sure all scholarships are awarded, if applicable.
- Collects and accounts for funds received through fundraising or budget efforts and keeps accurate records of each fund.
- Serves as Ex-Officio member on all fundraising projects.
- Perform other such duties as required by this office.
- The Parliamentarian shall:
- Advise the Staff Senate Chair on parliamentary procedures in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.
- Advise the Staff Senate Chair on parliamentary procedures in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.
- The Staff Senate shall:
- Make informed decisions,
- Vote on matters brought before the Staff Senate,
- Serve on at least one standing committee, and
- Serve on University Council, Commissions, Advisory Councils and Committees when appointed.
- All members of the Staff Senate shall
- Report to their respective areas on issues brought before the Staff Senate,
- Seek opinions of their respective areas on pertinent matters concerning the Staff Senate, and
- Be accountable to their respective areas.
- Alternates may attend Staff Senate meetings and shall vote only when their senator is absent.
- Alternates may serve on University Council, Commissions, Advisory Councils, and Committees when appointed.
- All members shall attempt to attend meetings of University Council, Commissions, and
Committees. If unable to attend the member shall send an alternate if possible.