
  1. The Staff Senate Chair shall:
    1. Preside at all regular and special meetings,
    2. Enforce all regulations and policies,
    3. Preside over the Executive Committee,
    4. Prepare the organizational chart of the Staff Senate,
    5. Submit the budget to the Staff Senate at the July regular meeting for approval each year,
    6. Call special meetings,
    7. Prepare an agenda for the Staff Senate Secretary to distribute to the Staff Senators and non-voting members of the Staff Senate seven days prior to the next regular meeting,
    8. Authorize disbursement of funds,
    9. Designate chairs of the standing committees as appropriate,

  2. The Staff Senate Vice Chair shall:
    1. Preside in the absence of the Staff Senate Chair,
    2. Serve as the principal assistant to the Staff Senate Chair,
    3. Serve as Chair of the Commission on Staff Policy and Affairs of the University Council,
    4. Coordinate legislative activity,
    5. Fulfill any term vacated by the Staff Senate Chair, and
    6. Perform other such duties as associated with this office.

  3. The Secretary:
    1. Conduct a roll call, record attendance and advise the Staff Senate Chair if a quorum is present at the beginning of each meeting,
    2. Prepare minutes of all Staff Senate meetings and maintain them as permanent records,
    3. Distribute copies of the minutes to each member within ten days after meetings. The use of electronic mail is encouraged whenever possible,
    4. Distribute copies of agenda and information packages to each member within seven days prior to the next regular meeting. The use of electronic mail is encouraged whenever possible,
    5. Maintain all records of the Staff Senate including
      • Fiscal records,
      • Mailing lists (electronic and campus),
      • List of senators serving on the Staff Senate including term of office,
      • List of senators serving on the University Council, Commissions, Advisory Councils and Committees with term of office, and
      • List of staff associations and association officers.

  4. The Treasurer
    1. Primarily responsible for the Staff Senate’s fiscal affairs.
    2. Prepares a monthly financial statement and reports to the Staff Senate at each of the regular meetings.
    3. Assists the President in preparing the budget and submitting it to the Staff Senate and the President of the University, for approval, if needed.
    4. Disburses monies from Staff Senate funds at the request of the Executive Committee. The President of the Staff Senate must approve all disbursements of money (in writing); however, only the Treasurer’s signature is needed to actually disburse money.
    5. Monitors disbursements of scholarship funds and follows up with Student Financial Aid to make sure all scholarships are awarded, if applicable.
    6. Collects and accounts for funds received through fundraising or budget efforts and keeps accurate records of each fund.
    7. Serves as Ex-Officio member on all fundraising projects.
    8. Perform other such duties as required by this office.

  5. The Parliamentarian shall:
    1. Advise the Staff Senate Chair on parliamentary procedures in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.

  6. The Staff Senate shall:
    1. Make informed decisions,
    2. Vote on matters brought before the Staff Senate,
    3. Serve on at least one standing committee, and
    4. Serve on University Council, Commissions, Advisory Councils and Committees when appointed.
    5. All members of the Staff Senate shall
      • Report to their respective areas on issues brought before the Staff Senate,
      • Seek opinions of their respective areas on pertinent matters concerning the Staff Senate, and
      • Be accountable to their respective areas.
    6. Alternates may attend Staff Senate meetings and shall vote only when their senator is absent.
    7. Alternates may serve on University Council, Commissions, Advisory Councils, and Committees when appointed.
    8. All members shall attempt to attend meetings of University Council, Commissions, and
      Committees. If unable to attend the member shall send an alternate if possible.