
Dear Trojan:

I appreciate your interest in the Leadership Opportunities offered within the Department of Residence Life and Housing at Virginia State University.

The Resident Assistant (RA) position provides students with skills applicable throughout their college years and beyond. The RA provide an important link between students living on campus.  The RA position requires students to undertake a significant leadership role and a high level of responsibility. This position certainly offers many challenges, but the rewards you will gain from this experience are many.

The Graduate Assistant position provides a rewarding experience. Being a Graduate Assistant means you strive to provide leadership to all students living in the residence halls. You are a motivated, creative, and driven individual who commits to engaging with residents and fostering interpersonal connections.  You are also a positive role model who maintains a professional attitude as a live-in representative of the Department of Residence Life and Housing.

Click on the links at the bottom of the webpage to learn more about each position.

If you have any questions, please stop by the Residence Life and Housing in Quad II office 1107. I also strongly encourage you to take the time to speak with current Residence Life and Housing staff members in your residential area. I want you to make an informed decision and I hope you will decide to join the selection process.


Derrick L. Peterson, Sr.
Director of Residence Life and Housing