Small Purchase Card
Purchasing card services must be obtained through the statewide contract administrated by DOA/DGS/DPS. The agency Program Administrator is the liaison between the agency, DOA, DPS, and the charge card vendor, Bank of America.
When requesting a card for an employee, the applicant’s supervisor must provide the Program Administrator with documentation supporting the issuance of the card, including an analysis of the potential type and level of activity and justification for per transaction and monthly limits.
Card holders must sign an Employee Agreement form prior to obtaining the purchasing card.
Use of the purchasing card is limited to $1,000 per transaction, $50,000 per month or less.
Supervisor must review card holder limits annually.
Agency Program Administrator must first create a user profile for you and request a card. Once you have been added to the system, the application automatically sends you an email that includes your username and a link to the application. This email will be sent from Commonwealth of Virginia, Charge Card Administration.
Agency Program Administrator makes a red folder for cardholder, folder is then filed.
Cardholder must annually take the online SPCC Training on the Commonwealth of Virginia Knowledge Center. After completing the training cardholder can then pick up SPCC.
The agency Program Administrator should by contacted when changes need to be made to existing purchasing cards. If a new purchasing card needs to be issued, the card holder should receive the replacement card in 7-19 business days.
Purchase Card Use
Agencies assume ultimate liability for the employee’s use of the card. Purchasing cards may be issued to full or part time employees, but not to contract workers. Purchasing cards must be used for official Commonwealth of Virginia purchases only and all purchases must comply with the same State procurement regulations in effect for any other means of payment.