Alcohol and Drug Policy

Purpose and Scope

The Virginia State University Alcohol and Drug Policy prohibits the possession, use, manufacture, distribution, selling, or consumption of alcohol and illicit drugs anywhere on campus. The policy pertains to the activities of all students on University property, and the activities of students at University-sponsored events or at off-campus activities while representing the University community. Student, faculty, and staff are expected to comply with all state, federal, and local alcohol and drug-related laws.

Virginia State University complies with the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989. The VSU Board of Visitors, in January 1999, enacted a Foundation Plan, which outlines a commitment to reduce/eliminate binge drinking by college students on campus.

Virginia State University is a community of students, faculty, and staff that is committed to preserving a living and learning environment where individuals can safely and successfully complete their college career free from the negative impact and disruptive influence of alcohol and other drugs. Aware of certain risks associated with alcohol and other drug-use, the University community views substance abuse as an obstacle to the attainment of a student's educational goals and to the University's mission. The responsibility to create and maintain a culture less vulnerable to alcohol and other drug use and one that promotes responsible attitudes and lifestyles is shared by all members of the University community.

The University acknowledges that learning occurs both outside and inside the classroom, making the living and learning environment an integral part of the educational experience of students. While the University values the diversity of ideas, backgrounds, and life experiences that students bring, there also exists the expectation that students will learn to adapt and adopt the high standards of conduct that are expected at an institution of higher learning. Admission and membership to the University is understood to mean that each person is afforded certain rights and responsibilities. Every effort will be made to protect those rights that are within the University's policies, and local, federal, and state laws. The University will not serve as a sanctuary for those who disregard the law.


Recognizing substance abuse as a prevalent social issue, Virginia State University accepts its role and responsibility in helping to find solutions to this problem. The University is dedicated to the education of students and employees about the risks associated with the abuse of alcohol and other drugs. The VSU Police Department, in cooperation with other campus offices, such as the Office of Sexual Assault and Alcohol/Substance Abuse, provide educational programs on the effects of drugs and alcohol abuse along with the consequences of "Driving While Intoxicated." Personal and legal consequences are discussed, and key points are highlighted through handouts and lectures. To get copies of pamphlets or more information on the lectures call (804) 524-5360 or come by VSU Police Headquarters. 

VSU Police Department

21012 Service Road
PO Box 9405
Petersburg, VA  23806
Emergency Phone (804)524-5411
Non-Emergency Phone (804)524-5360
Fax (804) 524-5614

VSU Police Department