CARES Grant Fund Reporting May 2020

VSU signed the Certification Agreement for the first half of the funding on April 11, 2020 and submitted the Certification Agreement on April 16, 2020. The University received a total of $3,427,905 in federal stimulus funds to be distributed directly to eligible Title IV students for emergency aid as a result of disruptions caused by COVID-19.
Distribution of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funds began this week. Over 90% of the funds for students were distributed. Pell eligible students enrolled in spring 2020 received $995 in emergency aid. Other Title IV students received $565. (No application required for these funds.)
As of May 27, 2020, the University disbursed $3,082,755 of the funds to 3,619 students. The remaining 10% of the student funds will be distributed to students for emergencies via an application process. The University will begin accepting applications on June 1, 2020. Please see the attached application link.
Virginia State University estimates that it had up to 3,625 Title IV eligible undergraduate, graduate, and professional students enrolled for the spring 2020 semester. This estimate is based on the number of potential valid FAFSAs filed by Virginia State University students and their families.
Virginia State University used the following approach to award the Federal CARES Act funds: (1) Students were automatically selected and awarded 90% of the funds (2) Pell eligible students enrolled in spring 2020 received $995 in emergency aid. Other Title IV students received $565. (Please note: the Federal Pell Grant is usually awarded to undergraduates who have a high degree of unmet financial need. This is determined through the FAFSA application, in which the U.S. Department of Education examines the income and assets of the student and their family.) The remaining 10% of the student funds were distributed to students for emergencies via an application process. Students were communicated about the Federal CARES Act funds via email, website and other VSU social media.