VSU COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do all VSU employees and students have to be vaccinated from COVID-19?
Yes. Virginia State University requires all employees and students to be vaccinated for COVID-19. Full compliance is required for all employees (including those who work remotely) and for all students who will be on campus and/or attending in-person classes in fall 2021. Other than approved exemptions (see below), there are no exceptions to the VSU vaccination mandate.
How will I show documentation of vaccination status?
Students and Employees must upload proof of their full vaccination (original authentic vaccination card) via our secure medical document portal, Medicat. If you are fully vaccinated (both doses), please upload proof immediately, but no later than September 1, 2021. If you are not currently FULLY vaccinated (both doses), proof of first dose must be uploaded immediately, but no later than September 1, 2021 (with proof of second dose uploaded no later than October 1, 2021.) For Medicat, your username and password are the same as your VSU email log-in.
What if Medicat does not accept my card or recognize my username?
If you experience trouble uploading your information into Medicat, you may email it directly to: HealthCenter@VSU.edu.
Which COVID 19 vaccine is acceptable to meet the VSU mandate?
VSU will accept all vaccines listed for use and emergency use by the FDA and the World Health Organization (WHO). Select “Other” when you upload if your vaccine is WHO approved, but not listed.
How will I know if Medicat accepted my documents?
To ensure that your documents have been uploaded properly onto Medicat:
- After document submission, scroll to the bottom of the page.
- Click UPLOADS.
- At the bottom of the next page, click VIEW FILES, you should see your uploaded document.
- The system may take a few minutes to upload, so check back later before attempting to resubmit documents.
- If you experience difficulty accessing MEDICAT, please email a copy of your test results/vaccine card to HealthCenter@VSU.edu.
What do I do if I lost my vaccination card?
You may use the Virginia Department of Health’s Self-Service Portal to access your Vaccination Record. To access your COVID-19 vaccination record, visit vaccinate.virginia.gov and click “Check my COVID-19 vaccination record.” Search for your COVID-19 vaccine record at Vaccination Record Request Portal. Once you have accessed your record, it can be saved, printed, or downloaded as a PDF.
This website is managed by the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) and not VSU. If you cannot locate your COVID-19 vaccination record through the portal or you would like a record of other vaccinations, you may submit your request online. You can also contact the VIIS Help Desk at (866) 375-9795. The Help Desk will be staffed from 8:30 am until 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. For other questions, please email vaccinerecord@vdh.virginia.gov or call 877-VAX-IN-VA (877-829-4682).
Can I be exempt for medical or religious reasons?
Medical and religious exemptions may be granted. NEW Vaccination Exemption Forms are available on the VSU website. Even if you have previously completed and submitted a form, you must RESUBMIT using the new version and documentation before September 1, 2021. Please click on the below links to access the forms.
Do I need to be “fully” vaccinated in order to work, live, attend classes on campus?
Yes. Virginia State University requires all Employees and Students to be vaccinated for COVID-19. Full compliance is required for all employees (including those who work remotely) and for all students who will be on campus and/or attending in-person classes in fall 2021. Other than approved exemptions (submitted via exemption form) there are no exceptions to the VSU vaccination mandate.
What if I miss the deadline to submit proof of vaccination?
Aside from submitted and approved Exemption Form, there are no exceptions to the VSU vaccine mandate.
For VSU Employees, if documents are not uploaded to Medicat or received by September 1, 2021, you will be subject to the following:
- First occurrence – Verbal warning/twice weekly testing
- Second occurrence – Written Notice/Reprimand/twice weekly testing
- Third occurrence – Suspension without pay for 10 working days or until compliance with vaccine mandate
- Fourth occurrence – Termination procedures begin
For VSU Students, if documents are not uploaded to Medicat or received by the September 1, 2021 deadline, you be subject to the following:
- First occurrence: Written warning indicating that the deadline for vaccine verification has passed and the ramifications for failure to comply/twice weekly testing
- Second occurrence : Will result in removal from the residence halls, removal from face-to-face classes (classes may be converted to virtual only), revoked access to all on-campus activities
If I am exempt for medical or religious reasons with approved exemption notice, will I be permitted to take courses/work/live on campus?
Yes. You will be required to sign an assumption of risk form, participate in on-going two-times per week COVID-19 testing, and complete the daily symptom checker.
What is the deadline to show proof of vaccination?
All VSU employees and students must upload proof of their vaccination to Medicate immediately, but no later than September 1, 2021.
How do I find a vaccination clinic near my home now so I can get vaccinated?
Use this link https://www.vaccines.gov/ to find a place near you.
What if I am an International Student?
The mandatory vaccine applies to all VSU students and employees. VSU will accept all vaccines listed for use and emergency use by the FDA and the World Health Organization (WHO). Select “Other” when you upload if your vaccine is WHO approved, but not listed.
If I am not vaccinated, will I be allowed to use on-campus facilities (library, dining hall, book store, etc.)?
VSU has a vaccination mandate. Use of all on-campus facilities is included as part of the mandate. We offer online access to our VSU library and bookstore.
If I am fully vaccinated, will I still be required to be tested?
Yes, All VSU Employees and Students will be included in surveillance testing (regular testing of a sampling of the population) throughout the semester.
If I am vaccinated, do I still need to wear a mask?
Yes. VSU will continue to follow recent CDC guidance by requiring mandatory mask and face coverings inside all on-campus spaces regardless of vaccination status.
What happens if I do not comply with the vaccination mandate?
Faculty and Staff: If documents are not uploaded to Medicat by above deadlines or approval of submitted exemption form, you will be subject to the below:
- First occurrence – Verbal warning/twice weekly testing
- Second occurrence – Written Notice/Reprimand/twice weekly testing
- Third occurrence – Suspension without pay for 10 working days or until compliance with vaccine mandate
- Fourth occurrence – Termination procedures begin
Students: Failure to provide proof of full vaccination or first vaccine by September 1, 2021 will result in the following:
- First occurrence: Written warning indicating that the deadline for vaccine verification has passed and the ramifications for failure to comply/twice weekly testing
- Second occurrence : May result in removal from the residence halls, removal from face-to-face classes (classes may be converted to virtual only), revoked access to all on-campus activities
Will I receive a financial incentive for compliance?
All employees and validated students who are fully vaccinated and have provided proper proof of vaccination by above stated deadlines will receive a financial incentive later in the semester. More information will be forthcoming.
Am I eligible to receive the COVID-19 Vaccination Incentive?
Fall 2021 COVID-19 financial incentives will be awarded to all fully vaccinated VSU employees and students who provide proof of full vaccination status. All vaccination proof must be uploaded via the university approved Medicat portal and verified by VSU staff.
When will I receive my funds?
Employees: The first round of funds were direct deposited into accounts on Tuesday, September 21, 2021. Those certified as fully vaccinated before September 10 should have been in the first round. Those who are certified after September 10th will receive their incentive as part of a regularly scheduled paycheck following verification of their vaccination status. It could take up to two pay cycles after verification for funds to appear in the paycheck.
Students: Funds are expected in students’ accounts via direct deposit beginning September 24, 2021 for those who provided proof of full vaccination prior to September 10, 2021. For those who did not provide proof of full vaccination by September 10, 2021, checks will be processed within 10 business days after full vaccination status has been verified. Students will receive an email from Nelnet to notify them when their incentive check has been processed.
How will be funds be distributed?
Employees: Funds are issued via direct deposit to the same accounts used for regular employee paychecks.
Students: Funds will be issued directly into students’ accounts via direct deposit beginning September 24, 2021 for those who provided proof of full vaccination prior to September 10, 2021. Students who do not have direct deposit will receive a paper check via mail to their address on file.
Who do I contact if my vaccination status was verified and I have not received my vaccine incentive funds?
Employees: Any employee who submitted information prior to September 10, 2021 and did not receive incentive funds on Tuesday, September 21, 2021 should contact the VSU Student Health Center at (804) 524-6086 to confirm that their vaccine information was uploaded and received properly. Those who have confirmed that their vaccination status is verified who have not received funds within the next two pay periods, should send an email to HR@VSU.edu.
Students: Any student who has confirmed their vaccination status has been verified with the VSU Student Health Center and has not received funds within 10 business days after verification, should contact VSU Student Accounts at (804) 524-5506.
Am I eligible for the vaccine incentive funds if I filed a medical or religious exemption form?
No. Only VSU employees and students who are fully vaccinated are eligible for the incentive.
Will I get the incentive if I am a part-time employee/student or taking non-credit courses?
Yes. All VSU employees and students who meet the criteria for full vaccination are eligible for the incentive.
What if I am both a student and an employee?
Those eligible will receive the vaccine incentive for one role only. The participants will be eligible for the incentives that align with their primary role as employee or student, BUT NOT BOTH. Students who work part-time jobs on campus will qualify for the student vaccine incentive. Full-time employees who are also part-time students will qualify for the employee incentive only.
What should I do if I receive a duplicate or overpayment?
If you mistakenly receive duplicate or overpayment of funds, please notify the payroll office immediately. Once the payroll office has verified that you received overpayment, they will begin the process of recovering overpayment that was not due to the employee.
Are the incentive funds taxed?
Employees: Yes. Per IRS rules, Bonus Payments are considered as Supplemental Wages (wages paid outside of regular pay); therefore, the
federal tax withholding rate is 22% percent for federal tax and the Virginia withholding rate is 5.75%. In addition, there is 7.65 % FICA
Students: No, incentive funds are not taxed.