Faculty Information

Accessing Canvas

VSU Canvas online

Log into Canvas Online

Login with your VSU ID and Password

Download the Mobile APP (IOS)

Set Up Your Canvas Course in 30 Minutes

  • Course Readiness Checklist
  • External Apps / LTI in Canvas – Add Page with Publisher List (Arnechia W.) & add instruction on requesting an LTI
  • How to Request
  • Faculty Orientation Course (Need to Create)
    • This course will walk you through using the Canvas learning management system. You have the flexibility to follow the modules sequentially or explore specific ones based on your interests. (add URL:)
  • Designed as a self-paced learning experience, you can progress through the content at your convenience. The course modules will encompass: (example)
    • Designing Course Content
    • Engaging with Your Students
    • Implementing Rubrics and External Tools
    • Completing and Publishing Your Course
  • Canvas Faculty Resources – The Instructure Community resources offer straightforward yet thorough instructions for all Instructure software products.

These guides and videos are crafted, organized, and consistently updated by the dedicated Instructure Community Team.

Explore Instructure products, exchange best practices, and connect with a global community to learn from fellow members worldwide.

Additional Resources

  • External Apps / LTI in Canvas – Add Page with Publisher List (Arnechia W.) & add instruction on requesting an LTI

For more information on publisher content integrations in Canvas, please see:

  • Canvas Training Opportunities

Canvas Face-to-Face and Virtual Workshops and Drop-in Sessions

Sign up for Formal Face-to-Face and Virtual Canvas training workshops. Canvas Training Registration.

 To access the registration link, you must be on campus or signed into the VSU Network via VPN

Canvas Training Portal (Faculty Only)

Complete the self-paced tutorials and webinars on the Training Portal. Log in into Canvas > Help > Training Portal. Canvas Training Portal

Growing with Canvas (Faculty Training)

This self-directed course available within Canvas has some great information to get you started. Growing with Canvas

Select Sign In and enter your VSU email address

The VSU single sign-in page will open. Enter your VSU email address and password

Canvas Support

  • Contact the VSU Helpdesk for Canvas support or if you have any inquiries about your account.