Educational Leadership

Educational Leadership

College of Education

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Professional Education Programs Unit

Dean/Unit Head

Box 9088; Room 101, Harris Hall

Faculty Administrators

John Blackwell, Coordinator-Assessment & Instructional Technology
Shandra Claiborne-Payton, Coordinator of Admissions and Data Analyst
John Travis, Program Transition Accountability Specialist
Harriet Wynn, Policy & Planning Specialist/NCATE Manager

Mission Statement

Creating a positive learning environment for all students and using evidence-based performance standards to develop reflective practitioners are central to the College of Education’s mission. The College of Education promotes and maintains academic programs with research-based pedagogy, technology-based learning, and reflective practices that integrate service to the community, ever mindful of the students’ diverse cultural backgrounds. The College of Education is the Unit that prepares quality graduates who become productive members of the Local Community, the State of Virginia, and the Nation.


The College of Education is the governing body for all programs preparing candidates for careers in the field of education. The college offers degrees and endorsement at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The programs in the College are approved by the Virginia Department of Education and accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework reflects the shared vision for preparing quality educators. The overall goal of the College of Education at Virginia State University, given its underlying vision, mission, and philosophy, is to facilitate the development of reflective practitioners who create positive learning environments for all students. This goal undergirds the development of successful candidates who are competent, caring, and effective. Through reflective inquiry, candidates use professional knowledge to enhance learning for all students. The following definitions are the foundation of the unit’s candidate proficiencies at the initial and advanced levels:

Competent: Understanding the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the content area(s). Understanding ways to enhance the learning process and learning environment through effective use of technology. Creating learning experiences and environments that make the subject matter meaningful for learners.

Caring: Showing respect to all learners and empowering them to set achievable goals while maintaining high standards. Demonstrating a commitment to professionalism, continuous reflection, and application of research-based best practices.

Effective: Using research-based best practices and performance assessments to guide the learning process and positively impact the learning environment to ensure that all students acquire the knowledge and skills to face the global challenges of the 21st century.

Reflective: Reflecting upon and evaluating research and the success of past decisions in an effort to make better decisions in the future.

Organization of College

The College of Education is comprised of the following Departments: The Department of Teaching and Learning, The Department of School and Community Counseling, The Department of Administrative and Organizational Leadership, and The Department of Doctoral Studies.

Graduate Programs

Master of Education (M.Ed.) Master of Science (M.S.) Doctor of Education (Ed. D.)
Education with concentrations in:
  • Elementary Education (PreK-6)*
  • Special Education (K-12)*
Counselor Education (PreK-12)
Community Counseling (Non-School Setting)
Educational Administration and Supervision (PreK-12)
Organizational Leadership (Non-Endorsed)

Counselor Education (PreK-12)
Community Counseling (Non-School Setting)
Media and Technology

Educational Administration and Supervision 

*Initial teacher preparation programs only.

Admissions Requirements

Admission requirements for all programs in the College of Education are outlined by each department.

Special Policies

The College of Education reserves the right to make changes to any requirements for its endorsement programs according to the policies and regulations of the Virginia Department of Education.

Student Organizations

The following student organizations are a part of the College of Education: Chi Sigma Iota; Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education (KDP)

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