Computer Science

Computer Science

Computer Science

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Admission Requirements

In addition to the Graduate Office admission requirements, criteria for non-conditional admission to the program will be set by the Departmental Computer Science Graduate Committee. Any student failing to maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) in a 4.0 scale will be on academic probation for one semester. If the student's cumulative average does not return to 3.0 at the end of the probation semester, the student will be required to leave the program.

Program Requirements

The Master of Science degree requires 30 graduate credit hours of course work including a thesis or 33 graduate credit hours of course work including a project. The program is intended to satisfy the need to train professionals with expertise using modern computing tools and cutting-edge technology as well as practical knowledge of theoretical computer science. Students will focus on such areas as data mining, scientific computing, data visualization, or state-of-the-art graphics and animation technologies. Undergraduates are prepared to learn to use the latest advanced applications, while graduates are highly-trained professionals ready to begin work using such applications.

There are two options for completing the Master's Degree in Computer Science. Each course work (core or elective) is a three-credit hour course.

The Thesis Option

  1. Twenty four (24) credit hours of course work (4 core courses and any 4 courses from set of predetermine electives); and
  2. Six credit hours of thesis work:
Courses Credit Hours
4 Core Courses 12
4 Electives Courses 12
Thesis I & II 6
Total 30

The Non-thesis Option

  1. Twenty seven credit hours of course work (4 core courses and any 5 courses from set of predetermine electives)
  2. Two graduate seminars (CSCI 610 (1 credit hour): Graduate Seminars I & CSCI 611 (1 credit hour): Graduate Seminar II) and
  3. A Master's project (CSCI 605 (4 credit hours): Master's Project)
Courses Credit Hours
4 Core Courses 12
5 Electives Courses 15
2 Seminar Courses 2
Project 4
Total 33

Core Courses

Each core course is a 3-credit hour course. All students must take the following four courses:

  • Advanced Systems Architecture (CSCI 588)
  • Advanced Algorithms (CSCI 592)
  • Embedded Systems (CSCI 560)
  • Advanced Data Communications (CSCI 545) 


Each of the elective courses is a 3-credit hour course.

Area Course ID Elective Courses Hrs Prerequisite
Algorithms CSCI 693 Parallel Algorithms 3 CSCI 692
CSCI 694 Algorithms for VLSI 3 CSCI 388
Architecture CSCI 694 Algorithms for VLSI 3 CSCI 388
Artificial Intelligence CSCI 602 Advanced Artificial Intelligence 3 CSCI 402
Computer Modeling and Simulation CSCI 682 Computer Modeling and Animation 3 CSCI 480
CSCI 770 Computer Simulation 3 CSCI 388
Cryptography CSCI 670 Computer Security 3 CSCI 445
Database Systems CSCI 556 Advanced Database Applications 3 CSCI 356
CSCI 695 Data Mining 3 CSCI 692
CSCI 356
Graphics CSCI 680 Algorithmic Graph Theory 3 MATH 490
CSCI 682 Computer Modeling and Animation 3 CSCI 480
Language Theory CSCI 660 Automata and Formal languages 3 CSCI 460
Networks CSCI 647 Wireless Network and Mobile Computing 3 CSCI 645
CSCI 670 Computer Security 3 CSCI 445
Numerical Computation MATH 560 Algebraic & Numerical Computation 3 MATH 325
MATH 300
Software Engineering CSCI 685 Software Engineering 3 CSCI 487
CSCI 687 Advanced Software System Development 3 CSCI 487
CSCI 689 Software Quality Assurance 3 CSCI 685

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