What is Army ROTC?

The Virginia State University Trojan Warrior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) Program is an award-winning, leader-producing department that supplies future leaders to the United States Army, government service, and business community.

General Objectives

  • To motivate selected students
  • To provide an understanding of the nature and operations of the United States Army
  • To develop the leadership and managerial potential of students
  • To encourage the development of mental, moral, and ethical standards essential to military service
  • To train students for commissioning in the United States Army, Army Reserves, or Army National Guard


Educate and train scholastically, athletically, and ethically unrivalled leaders that are driven to become the best second lieutenants in the United States Army.

Mission Statement

In conjunction with Virginia State University, recruit, educate, develop, inspire, and commission highly qualified Senior ROTC Cadets that embody both the Warrior Ethos and the Army Values who are capable of exceptional service in the Army Profession. Partner with eleven Virginia Junior ROTC Programs in order to produce citizens of extraordinary character and competence.

Course Description

Basic Course (Freshmen and Sophomores): The basic course is normally pursued by the student during the freshman and sophomore years. Students in this program of study learn the fundamentals of Army leadership. Students have an opportunity

Advanced Course (Juniors, Seniors and Graduate students): Each advanced-course student is entitled to an allowance of $300-500 per month up to 10 months per year. Each advanced-course student is also required to attend a six-week ROTC summer camp at the completion of their junior year. For this summer training, the student receives over $700.00 plus travel pay to and from camp. Successful completion of the ROTC program qualifies the student for appointment as a second lieutenant in the Regular Army, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard.