

Contracting Benefit

There is no obligation to join the Army if you take ROTC for the first two years. However, if you do decide to sign a contract to serve after your graduate, the Army will provide a  stipend of $420 for monthly living allowances for each school year. 

The Four-Year Army ROTC Scholarship Program

The four-year scholarship is designed for incoming freshman. Students apply for the scholarship their senior year in high school. The ROTC Opportunity Four-year scholarships are awarded to the most outstanding applicants. In keeping with our high standards of excellence, candidates are selected for merit-based scholarships on their scholastic achievement and extra-curricular accomplishments. Even if you are not awarded a scholarship now, there are other ROTC scholarship opportunities once you are on VSU’s campus. Scholarship benefits for VSU winners include full tuition and fees, a $1,200 yearly book allowance, and a monthly stipend of $420.
Call The VSU recruiting Office for details at 804-524-5537 or 804-687-8381 or

The Benefits

  • 100% Tuition and fees or Housing and Living Allowance
  • $1,200 Yearly Book Allowance
  • ROTC Stipend of $420 a month

How are winners chosen?

Selection of winners is based on academic record, SAT or ACT test results, school officials' evaluations, extra-curricular, leadership and athletics, a personal interview and a physical aptitude exam. Since the Army, like many of today's top organizations, values technological skills, scholarship preference is given to students pursuing degrees in engineering, the physical sciences, and nursing.

Who's eligible?

You're eligible for the four-year ROTC scholarship if you're ready to begin college as a full-time student, have no prior college experience, and meet the following requirements:

  • You'll be 17 before the scholarship is effective.
  • You've taken the SAT or ACT no later than November of the year you apply, and have a minimum 1,000 SAT or composite 19 ACT.
  • You have good high school grades (Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher)
  • You participate in leadership, extracurricular and athletic activities (A part time job earns you substitute credit.)
  • You'll be under 35 on Dec 31 of the year you expect to graduate. (Qualifying veterans may be granted an age extension up to 39 years old.)
  • You are a senior in High school or equivalent preparing to graduate or a graduate.
  • You agree to accept a commission in the U.S. Army.
  • You pursue an Army approved academic major.
  • You meet required physical standards.

Your ROTC Commitment

As a winner of a four-year scholarship, you are required to take an ROTC class, which demands a few hours of your time each week. Upon graduation, you have an obligation to accept a commission and serve full-time in the Active Army, or part-time in either the Army National Guard or the U.S. Army Reserve.

When to apply?

Applications should be completed and mailed before November 15th of your senior year, though late applications will be accepted if time allows. Winners are notified on March 1st. The application due date is April 1 for students pursuing a career in nursing. We also offer an early-acceptance option. The application is due by July 15th, and winners are notified by November 1st. Early decision applicants not awarded a scholarship are automatically entered into the regular cycle which ends November 15th. Remember there's no downside risk for applying early and not winning.

Where to get an application?

Online Application
Your high school counselor should have them available to you by the end of your junior year. If not you may call 1-800-USA-ROTC for an application sometime between late in your junior year and early in your senior year. If you would like to work with VSU Army ROTC directly, please contact the VSU recruiting Office for details at 804-524-5537 or 804-687-8381 or

The Army ROTC Three-Year Scholarship

The Three-year scholarship is designed for sophomores. Students apply for the scholarship at the end of their freshman year. In keeping with our high standards of excellence, candidates are selected for merit-based scholarships on their scholastic achievement and extra-curricular accomplishments. Even if you're not awarded a scholarship now, there are other ROTC scholarship opportunities once you're in the program. Scholarship benefits for VSU winners include full tuition and fees, yearly book allowance, and $350-$500 stipend pay.

The Benefits

  • 100% Tuition and fees or Housing and Living Allowance
  • $1,200 Yearly Book Allowance
  • ROTC Monthly Stipend $420 a month
  • Call The VSU recruiting Office for details at 804-524-5537 or 804-687-8381 or

Eligibility Requirements

You're eligible for the three-year ROTC scholarship if you're ready to begin your sophomore year, will be a full-time student, and meet the following requirements:

Have three years remaining until degree completion

  • You have good academic standing
  • You have participated in leadership, extracurricular and athletic activities (A part time job earns you substitute credit.)
  • You'll be under 35 on December 31 of the year you expect to graduate. (Qualifying veterans may be granted an age extension of up to four years.)
  • You agree to accept a commission in the U.S. Army.
  • You pursue an Army approved academic major.
  • You meet required physical standards.
  • Complete the Basic course before entering the advanced course


As a winner of a three-year scholarship, you are required to complete the MS I & MS II ROTC classes before you start the Advanced Course. Upon graduation, you have an obligation to accept a commission and serve full-time in the Active Army for four years, or part-time in either the Army National Guard or the U.S. Army Reserve for a total of eight years. This time may be served in a combination of full-time or part-time service.

Where to get an application

Online Application
To receive a 3-year scholarship application please contact the VSU recruiting Office for details at 804-524-5537 or 804-687-8381 or

The Army ROTC Two-Year Scholarship

The two-year scholarship is available to any student who has completed their freshman & sophomore years of college or is in their last two years of graduate study. To qualify for the scholarship an applicant needs to qualify for the ROTC Advance Course. This can be done with placement credit for the Basic Course (i.e. Jr. ROTC, prior military service, member of Reserve Component, etc.). Otherwise the applicant can attend the Leader’s Training Course at Ft. Knox, Kentucky during the summer to validate the scholarship before beginning the junior year. Scholarship benefits for VSU winners include full tuition and fees, yearly allowance for books, and $420 monthly stipend pay. 

The Benefits

  • 100% Tuition and fees or Housing and Living Allowance
  • $1200 Yearly Book Allowance
  • ROTC Monthly Stipend $420 a month
  • Call The VSU recruiting Office for details at 804-524-5537 or 804-687-8381 or

Eligibility Requirements

You're eligible for the two-year ROTC scholarship if you're ready to begin your junior year or have two years (four semesters) remaining for undergraduate or graduate school, will be a full-time student, and meet the following requirements:

  • Have two years remaining until degree completion
  • You have good academic standing
  • You have participated in leadership, extracurricular and athletic activities (A part time job earns you substitute credit.)
  • You'll be under 35 on December 31 of the year you expect to graduate. (Qualifying veterans may be granted an age extension of up to four years.)
  • You agree to accept a commission in the U.S. Army.
  • You pursue an Army approved academic major.
  • You meet required physical standards.


As a winner of a two-year Scholarship, you have an obligation to accept a commission and serve full-time in the Active Army for four years, or part-time in either the Army National Guard or the U.S. Army Reserve for a total of eight years. This time may be served in a combination of full-time or part-time service.
To receive a 2-year scholarship application please contact the VSU recruiting Office for details at 804-524-5537 or 804-687-8381 or

Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty Scholarship (GRFD)

The GRFD Scholarship is designed for people who have prior military service and would like to commission into either the Army National Guard or Army Reserve. These scholarships allow MOS qualified veterans to draw GI Bill benefits while simultaneously receiving scholarship benefits. These scholarships are awarded to the most outstanding applicants. In keeping with our high standards of excellence, candidates are selected for scholarships based on an evaluation of their scholastic achievement and extra-curricular accomplishments, not on the basis of financial need.
As a winner of a two-year (three-year available for National Guard only) Reserve Forces Duty scholarship, you're required to enroll in an ROTC class. You are also required to enlist in the Army National Guard or the United States Army Reserve if not already a member. Upon graduation, you must accept a commission, serve on active duty for a 3 to 6 months Officer Basic Course, and serve 6 years in the Army Reserve or National Guard on a part-time basis.

The Benefits

  • Full Tuition or Room & Board
  • $1,200 yearly book allowance
  • ROTC Monthly Stipend $420 a month
  • Montgomery GI Bill $309/month
  • $350/month GI Bill Kicker
  • Drill Pay of $250 or more a month

How are Winners Chosen?

Selection of winners is based on academic record, school officials' evaluations, extra-curricular, leadership and athletics. There is a personal interview and a physical aptitude exam. Since the Army, like many of today's top organizations, values technological skills, scholarship preference is given to students pursuing degrees in engineering, the physical sciences, and nursing.

Who's Eligible?

  • A College student with at least 60 credits (26 credits for ARNG 3-yr scholarship)
  • Have completed Basic and Advanced Individual Training
  • You'll be under 35 on December 31 of the year you expect to graduate
  • You pursue an Army approved academic major
  • You meet required physical standards

The Two-Year Dedicated Guard Scholarship

This Scholarship is designed for students who are finishing their sophomore year and do not have prior military service. As part of the criteria for eligibility applicants will attend the 5-week Leader’s Training Course at Ft. Knox. Kentucky. Students who have completed 2-years of ROTC do not need to attend the Course.
Winners of this scholarship receive a full tuition scholarship that includes $1,200 a year for books and a monthly stipend of $420. As a winner of the scholarship you're required to take an ROTC class, which demands a few hours of your time each week.
Winners will enlist in the Army National Guard and join the Simultaneous Membership Program, which allows them to be in ROTC and participate in the Guard at the same time. Upon graduation, the winner has an obligation to accept a commission, serve on active duty for 3 to 6 months to complete the Officer Basic Course. They would then continue with a civilian occupation or advanced schooling on a full-time basis while continuing to serve in the National Guard.

The Benefits

  • 100% Tuition and fees or Room & Board
  • $1,200 Annual Book Allowance
  • ROTC Monthly Stipend $420 a month
  • Drill Pay of $250 or more a month

Who's Eligible?

  • A College student with at least 60 credits
  • You participate in leadership, extracurricular and athletic activities (A part time job earns you substitute credit.)
  • You'll be under 35 on December 31 of the year you expect to graduate (Qualifying veterans may be granted an age extension of up to four years.)
  • You agree to accept a commission in the U.S. Army.
  • You attend the 5-week Leader’s Training Course or have completed the first and second year of Military Science

When to Apply?

Applications are available December through February. Your application must be completed and received by Headquarters, Cadet Command by 15 March. Winners are notified during the month of June.

How to Receive an Application?

To receive your Reserve Forces Duty scholarship application please contact the VSU recruiting Office for details at 804-524-5537 or 804-687-8381 or

The Non-Scholarship Program

Cadets entering the Advanced Course need to make a commitment to serve in either the Active Army or in the Reserves. Normally this commitment is made by the choice of Scholarships taken. Some Cadets, for one reason or another, may opt not to take a scholarship. By doing this they delay the decision on serving in the active Army or in the Reserves or Guard until just before their senior year. They will be contracted to serve none-the-less. This may be an attractive option if a cadet wants more time to decide in which way to serve their Country.
Call The VSU recruiting Office for details at 804-524-5537 or 804-687-8381 or

The Benefits

A Non-Scholarship Cadet receives the monthly stipend of $420 and $250 a month drill pay (if a member of the Reserves or Guard) along with the GI Bill if eligible.

Who's Eligible?

  • A College student with at least 60 credits
  • You participate in leadership, extracurricular and athletic activities (A part time job earns you substitute credit.)
  • You'll be under 35 on June 30 of the year you expect to graduate. (Qualifying veterans may be granted an age extension of up to four years.)
  • You agree to accept a commission in the U.S. Army.
  • You attend the 4-week Advanced Camp or have completed the first and second year of Military Science or equivalent.

How to receive more information?

Call The VSU recruiting Office for details at 804-524-5537 or 804-687-8381.

 Army ROTC Green To Gold Program

  • The deadline for submission of Green to Gold ADO and Scholarship Applications will be determined upon opening of the application window.
  • If you are an enlisted Soldier, Army ROTC can help you continue to grow and learn. The Army Green to Gold program provides options for Soldiers interested in pursuing a baccalaureate or graduate degree and earning a commission as an Army Officer.
  • Enrollment Options
  • The Army Green to Gold Program is designed to offer Enlisted Soldiers in the Army the opportunity to earn a commission as Army Officers. This program offers enlisted Soldiers several unique ways to earn a baccalaureate or graduate degree:
  • Green to Gold Scholarship Option — For Soldiers who are considering leaving Active Duty to attend college while receiving full tuition or room and board (capped), flat rate book payment and a monthly stipend.
  • Green to Gold Active Duty Option — For Soldiers who want to remain on Active Duty and attend college.
  • Green to Gold Non-Scholarship — For Soldiers who are considering leaving Active Duty to attend college while receiving a monthly stipend.

Apply Online For The Green To Gold Program

To pursue one of the Green to Gold programs, click below to create a MY GOARMY account or log in with an existing account. After creating an account, return to this page to login and start the application.



Create and Account


More Information About Specific Green To Gold Programs Can Be Found Below

Hip Pocket Scholarships

The Army ROTC Green to Gold Division Commander's Hip Pocket Scholarship Program provides selected Soldiers the opportunity to complete their baccalaureate degree requirements and obtain a commission through participation in the ROTC Scholarship program. Each year, division commanders may nominate deserving Soldiers for two, three, and four-year Green to Gold scholarships. Units are encouraged to nominate Soldiers that have exhibited the potential for further outstanding service to the United States and the Army as Commissioned Officers. Interested Soldiers are encouraged to follow-up with their chain of command.

Download the Hip Pocket Guide and complete an application by clicking the “Create An Account” link below. Click on “Log In” if you already have an account. After creating an account, return to this page and start the application.

Download the Hip Pocket Guide

To better assist you in the application process, click on the Green to Gold Scholarship Option Information Booklet. The booklet contains valuable information about the program, requirements for a scholarship, and can help you submit your application.

Green to Gold Scholarship Option Application Booklet

Create and Account

Green To Gold Scholarship Option

The deadline for submission of Green to Gold ADO and Scholarship Applications will be determined upon opening of the application window.

  • Scholarships are awarded for two, three, or four years.
  • Soldiers with two years of college remaining to complete their degree are considered for two-year scholarships.
  • Soldiers with three years of college remaining to complete their degree are considered for three-year scholarships.
  • Soldiers without college credit who require four years to complete their degree are considered for four-year scholarships.

To assist you in the application process you can use the Green to Gold Scholarship Option Information Booklet. The booklet contains valuable information about the program and can help you submit your application.

Green to Gold Scholarship Option Application Booklet

Green to Gold Scholarship Option winners receive:

  • Tuition or room and board support
  • Additional money for textbooks, supplies, and equipment.
  • A monthly stipend for up to 10 months each school year that increases each year based on your Military Science Class.
  • Pay for attending Advanced Camp between the junior and senior years of college.
  • If qualified, Montgomery G.I. Bill / Army College Fund (MGIB/ACF) benefits.
  • Additionally, many colleges and universities offer incentives to scholarship winners. The Professor of Military Science (PMS) at your college of choice can provide further information on what is available at the school.


  • U.S. Citizen (non-waiverable)
  • Age - you must be under 31 years of age on 31 December of the year you complete all requirements for a commission. You must have acquired your bachelor's degree by this time. This is a statutory requirement and there are no waivers authorized.
  • No criminal convictions.
  • You must have served a minimum of two-years Active Duty as well as three months of Active Duty for every one month of specialized training (a waiver can be requested).
  • GT score of 110 or greater.
  • Pass the APFT within the last six months with score of 240 or higher, minimum of 80 points in each event.
  • High School Graduate or equivalent.
  • Cumulative High School or College GPA of 2.5.
  • Letter of Acceptance to School of Choice offering Army ROTC.
  • Letter of Acceptance from the PMS of that Army ROTC Battalion.
  • Favorable National Agency Check.
  • DODMERB Medical Qualification.
  • No more than three dependents including spouse (waiverable).
  • Four-year applicants must have a minimum ACT score of 19 or a minimum SAT score of 1,000 (waiverable).

Green To Gold Non-Scholarship Option

The Green to Gold Two-Year Non-Scholarship Option Program is available to Soldiers who have completed two years of college, and who can complete their college degree requirements in two years.


  • A monthly stipend of up to 10 months each school year that increases each year based on your Military Science Class.
  • Pay for attending the Cadet Leadership Course (CLC) (formally Leader Development & Assessment Course LDAC) between the junior and senior years of college.
  • If qualified, Montgomery G.I. Bill (MGIB) benefits.
  • School / State / Reserve Forces Duty Benefits.
  • Green to Gold Non-Scholarship Option members can also participate in the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP). As SMPs, Soldiers are members of either a drilling Reserve or Guard unit and ROTC. SMPs are entitled to Reserve Component pay of E-5 under this program.
  • Virginia offers tuition assistance to National Guard Soldiers.


  • Be a US Citizen
  • Have completed less than 10 years of Active Federal Service at the projected time of commission
  • Age - Under 30 years old on 30 June of the year you commission (waiverable)
    AROTC Brigade Commander can grant waiver up to 32 years old
    Cdr, USA Cadet Command can grant waivers up to 39 years old
    HQDA can grant waivers up to 42 years old
  • Have a favorable recommendation from Chain of Command
  • Have an unconditional letter of acceptance from the college/university you plan to attend
  • Have an unconditional letter of acceptance from the Professor of Military Science at the college/university you plan to attend
  • Have completed two years of college and be accepted as an academic junior or two year master's degree program
  • Have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale
  • Have a minimum GT score of 110
  • Have completed two year Time-in-service
  • Has fulfilled any Training Service Obligation
  • Be medically qualified by the Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DoDMERB)
  • Have passed the APFT and achieved a minimum of 80 points in each event
  • Have no more than three dependents (including spouse) (waiverable)
  • Have no adverse adjudication (even if expunged or sealed), been arrested, indicted, or convicted by a civil court or military law for other than minor traffic violations (waiverable)

Find out more about the Green to Gold Program

To apply for the Green to Gold Non-Scholarship Program, contact the recruiting officer at the school you wish to attend.

Green To Gold Active Duty Option

The Green to Gold Active Duty Option Program is a two-year program that provides eligible, Active Duty enlisted Soldiers an opportunity to complete a baccalaureate degree or a two-year graduate degree and earn a commission as an Army Officer.

For assistance in the application process, click the U.S. Army Green to Gold Active Duty Option Program Information Booklet. The booklet provides detailed information about the program. It also has a checklist that explains what information is required, sample documents, and waiver request that can help to submit a complete packet.

Green to Gold Active Duty Option Program Information Booklet


  • Soldiers selected to participate in this program will continue to receive their current pay and allowances while in the program (up to a maximum of 24 consecutive months).
  • If qualified, Montgomery G.I. Bill / Army College Fund (MGIB/ACF) benefits
  • Post 9/11 GI Bill
  • Normal PCS entitlements


  • U.S. Citizen (non-waiverable)
  • Age - Be under 30 years of age on the date of the projected graduation and commission. (waivers can be requested)
  • Cannot have been convicted of a Domestic Violence Crime
  • Have a minimum of 2 years Active Duty at the time of application as well as 3 months of Active Duty for every one month of specialized training (waiver can be requested)
  • GT score of 110 or greater
  • Pass the APFT within the last 6 months with score of 240 or higher, minimum of 80 points in each event
  • College Grade Point Average of 2.5
  • Letter of Acceptance to School of Choice offering Army ROTC
  • Letter of Acceptance from the PMS of that Army ROTC Battalion
  • Favorable National Agency Check (or have initiated the action)
  • DODMERB Medical Qualification
  • Be eligible to Reenlist
  • Not be a conscientious objector
  • No more than 3 dependents including spouse (waiverable)

Helpful links