Message from the Chair of Applied Engineering Technology

Welcome to the vibrant world of Applied Engineering Technology at Virginia State University! I'm thrilled that you've taken a moment to delve into the exciting opportunities our department offers.
Our department has three dynamic undergraduate programs—Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology, Information Logistics Technology, and Mechanical Engineering Technology—each accredited by ABET, ensuring top-notch quality and industry recognition. These programs form the backbone of our commitment to excellence.
But that's not all. We're not just about degrees; we're about shaping futures. As the Department Chair, my passion lies in making Applied Engineering Technology programs relevant and extraordinary in their impact on teaching, research, and service.
Our graduates aren't just successful; they're highly sought after by industry giants such as Dominion Energy, Boeing, Newport News Shipbuilding, Bank of America, Altria, Sabra, Wal-Mart, UPS, FedEx, the Federal Reserve Bank, Department of Defense, local municipalities, and the Commonwealth of Virginia. Their success is a testament to the dynamic and challenging environment we provide.
Our ABET accreditation ensures that our programs meet the highest standards, giving our students a competitive edge in the ever-evolving world of technology.
Be part of the success story. Explore our academic programs, revel in faculty accomplishments, and envision your triumphs in the Department of Applied Engineering Technology. It's not just an education; it's a Launchpad for your future.
Your future in Applied Engineering Technology awaits!
For further information contact us at 804-524-1069.
Peng Cheng
Associate Professor/Chairperson
Department of Applied Engineering Technology